September 29, 2022

Things to Consider When Wedding Planning

Things to Consider When Wedding Planning
Ah wedding planning. I had a love/hate relationship with it. I loved getting inspired and browsing all the ideas on Pinterest. But where there are ideas... there are also a bunch of dollar signsssss! There are lots of things to take into consideration when planning your wedding. And if you are some…

September 21, 2022

Wedding Inspo + Mood Board

Wedding Inspo + Mood Board
MY WEDDING INSPO -lavender & mint era-  It's pretty fun to look back on my Pinterest to see what kind of ideas or visions I had for my future wedding. Since I was waiting for Earl to propose for what felt like a hundred years, you better bet I was already planning my wedding!  I was SO SET on …

Our Proposal Story

Our Proposal Story
OUR PROPOSAL STORY I guess it's a little strange to be writing about our engagement since we've been married already for a year-- but I really wanted to start a series of wedding-related posts (since I LOVE LOVE LOVE weddings!). What better way to start that than with our proposal story?! BAC…

My very first post EVER!

My very first post EVER!
Hi there! Julia here. This is my first post EVER. It took me years and years to finally get this blog up. For as long as I can remember, I have ALWAYS loved writing, taking photos, editing, making things look cute, sharing inspo, etc.  This blog was a long time coming-- I just needed the confidence t…